Records available
CD canto:). Hortus Musicus
DVD In the Mystical Land of Kaydara. Peeter Vähi
DVD Coppélia. A ballet by Léo Delibes
CD-series Great Maestros. Beethoven, Brahms. Kalle Randalu, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi
CD Quarter of a Century with Friends. Arsis, Rémi Boucher, Oliver Kuusik, Rauno Elp
Super Audio CD Maria Magdalena. Sevara Nazarkhan, Riga Dom Cathedral Boys Choir, State Choir Latvija, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
LP Contra aut pro? Toomas Velmet, Neeme Järvi, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Pärt
Classical and transverse flutes...
Stéphane Réty
- began his musical studies in his birthplace Lorient, France and continued in the Conservatoire of Nantes and finally in the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (winning 1st Prize de flûte à l’unanimité and 1st Prize de musique de chambre, 1989)
- 1990, 1st Prize on Vierzon international competition, 1st Prize on Banque Populaire competition
- 1993, prize on the J P Rampal competition
- has performed as flute soloist with various orchestras including the Orchestre de Paris, Monte-Carlo Philharmonic, Zürich Tonhalle, Stuttgart Philharmonic
- currently, the principal flautist of the Basel Symphony Orchestra (since 1991) and Züricher Kammerorchester in Switzerland
- appears frequently as a soloist throughout Europe, America and Asia
- plays together with musicians like Augustin Dumay, Katia and Marielle Labèque, Marie-Pierre Langlamet, Wolfgang Holzmair etc
- 1985, premiered Joaquin Rodrigo’s Flute Concerto in Belgium
- 2001, premiered Nocturnes 2 for flute and string orchestra by Wim Hendericks in Brussels, conducted by Barth Van De Velde
- 2005, gave the world première of Arthur-Vincent Lourié’s Duo for flute and piano
- his recordings include Bach’s Suite No 2 under the baton of Rudolf Barshai, the Brandenburg Concertos with the Seoul Chamber Ensemble for EMI, a CD devoted to Debussy together with harp player Nicolas Tulliez on the French label Skarbo
- 2007, release of his latest CD featuring Bach’s Flute Concerto BWV 1056, Trio-sonata from Musical Offering and Brandenburg Concerto No 5 for Naxos, nominated for the Grammy Awards
- gives master classes throughout the world (Europe, the USA, South Korea, Brazil etc)
- has been assistant conductor of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie
- has also composed film music, such as the score for the documentary A Star Called Ayrton Senna
- at present professor at the Musikhochschule in Dresden, Germany
Download: Stéphane Réty with flute, photo by Alexander von Buxhoeveden, jpg, 300 dpi, 4.6 MB
Main repertoire
Johann Sebastian Bach: Brandenburg Concertos
Johann Sebastian Bach: Suites
Carl Heinrich Graun: Sonatas
Johann Adolf Hasse: Sonatas
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: Sonatas
Johann Joachim Quantz: Sonatas
Georg Philipp Telemann: Sonatas
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Concerto in D major, KV 314
Claude Debussy
Arthur-Vincent Lourié: Duo for flute and piano
Joaquín Rodrigo: Flute Concerto
Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No 5 in D major, Mov I, fragm, 2 min 55 sec, mp3
Bach, Flute Concerto in G, Mov II, fragm, 1 min 51 sec, mp3
Debussy, Suite bergamascue, Prélude, fragm, 2 min 26 sec, mp3
Debussy, Six épigraphes antiques, Pour un tombeau sans nom, fragm, 2 min 51 sec, mp3
Listen to the live recording together with Imbi Tarum (harpsichord)
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J S Bach Brandenburg Concertos / Trio-Sonata from Musical Offering / Flute Concerto BWV 1056 Naxos 8.557755-56 |
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C Debussy Six Épigraphes Antiques / Suite Bergamasque / Trois Préludes Skarbo |
Press resonance
… this concerto has an infectious drive and generally superb playing which carries the extra weight of its extended thematic development. (Classical CD Reviews, Nov 2006)
Pureté des lignes, art des modulations sonores, délicatesse du jeu... tout y est, avec une mention spéciale pour le son de flûte de Stéphane Réty d’une admirable souplesse. Peut-être certains jugeront-ils – précisément en raison de cet attachement à la pureté des lignes, avec très peu de vibrato – le résultat final quelque peu statique, mais l’atmosphère trouvée par les artistes de ce disque respecte pourtant au plus près l’intimité musicale de ces pages. (D V, Travesières, 6 / 2004)
Vielleicht noch eine Spur origineller als bei Telemann verbinden sich in dieser Musik gepflegtes “divertissement” mit herausforderner Virtuosität der Flöte, die Réty spielend meiterte. ... Bachs 5. Brandenburgisches Konzert, gespielt auf dem Niveau, das heute Standard ist. Nachdem Réty und auch gabetta mehrmals gezeigt hatten was sie können, erfreute nun der Cembalist Paronunzzi... (Nikolaus Cybinski, Basellandschaftlichezeitung, 12.04.11, Switzerland)
Akadeemilist poolt esindavatest kontsertidest külastasin temperamendist säriseva prantsuse flötisti Stėphane Rėty ja meie klavessinisti Imbi Tarumi baroki gurmee õhtut. Viis flöödisüiti ja -sonaati prantsuse XVIII sajandi esimese poole muusikast andis ülevaatliku pildi baroki- ja rokokooajastu muusikast, iseloomulikest kaunistuste (melismide jm) ahelikest. Stiilne kava ja kaunis esitus! (Alo Põldmäe, Sirp, 02.08.13, Estonia, whole article)
Kontsert pealkirjaga “Barokigurmee” oli hõrgutis esimesest noodist viimaseni. Stéphane Réty lükkis /.../ noote ritta nagu pärleid keesse, kus üks ilusam kui teine ja võimatu on ühtegi teisele eeslistada. See mäng oli puhas sära ja sädelemine, muusikut, kellel iga noot elab ja hingab, võib lõpmatult kuulata... Imbi Tarum klavessiinil oli nõtke ansamblipartner /.../ aga saali suveräänne valitseja oli Réty. (Virge Joamets, Muusika, 8−9, 2013, Estonia)
... Stéphane Réty, kelle saavutuste nimekiri kavavihikus lubas kõrgeimat taset. Ja nii ka oli. Eriliselt paistis Réty silma virtuoossusega – ka kõige kiiremad noodid olid selgelt ja puhtalt välja mängitud. Kuid silma torkas ka tema eriline temperament: nii miimika kui ka žestidega elas ta muusikale ja vahel ka saatvate muusikute tegevusele pidevalt kaasa. ... puhkpillimuusika-hiiuks osutus juba eelmainitud prantsuse flöödikunstnik Stéphane Réty, kes esitas koos klavessinist Irina Zahharenkovaga XVIII sajandi saksa flöödisonaatide kahe poolega kava: Graun, Hasse, W. F. Bach, Telemann. Kava oli seega ülinõudlik ja vahel ka veidi igav (eredaim teos oli W. F. Bachi Sonaat e-moll), kuid see igavus oli suursugune. Réty pidas imetlusväärse kindlusega vastu ega teinud ühtainsatki vääratust... (Mart Jaanson, Sirp, 05.08.11, Estonia, whole article)
Exclusive worldwide (except France) management by ERP from Jan 1st, 2012
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See also
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