Records available
CD canto:). Hortus Musicus
DVD In the Mystical Land of Kaydara. Peeter Vähi
DVD Coppélia. A ballet by Léo Delibes
CD-series Great Maestros. Beethoven, Brahms. Kalle Randalu, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi
CD Quarter of a Century with Friends. Arsis, Rémi Boucher, Oliver Kuusik, Rauno Elp
Super Audio CD Maria Magdalena. Sevara Nazarkhan, Riga Dom Cathedral Boys Choir, State Choir Latvija, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
LP Contra aut pro? Toomas Velmet, Neeme Järvi, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Pärt
Risto Joost has gained widespread recognition for his work both in the opera pit and on the concert platform. His repertoire ranges from the compositions of Baroque composers to the most challenging works of contemporary composers. Risto Joost is a conductor of the Estonian National Opera since 2009, the chief conductor of the Netherlands Chamber Choir since the season 2011 / 2012 and the chief conductor of the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra beginning from autumn 2013.
Conductor Risto Joost (b 1980) has studied singing as well as choral and orchestral conducting at the Estonian Academy of Music, and received further training at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. In spring 2008, Risto Joost graduated from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm majoring in orchestral conducting with Prof Jorma Panula.
Since 2000, Risto Joost has been a regular participant in the Estonian Music Days, Nyyd Festival, Glasperlenspiel Music Festival, conducting more than 50 premières ranging from chamber music to extensive symphonic repertoire with different orchestras.
Risto Joost has conducted many well-known orchestras such as Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Ostrobothian Chamber Orchestra, Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Gävle Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra and many others. Risto Joost was also the founder of Tallinn Sinfonietta, and the chief conductor and artistic director in 2008–2011. Risto Joost has also conducted the numerous choirs − the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, the Estonian National Male Choir, State Choir Latvija, Swedish Radio Choir, Ars Nova Copenhagen, the Netherlands Chamber Choir etc.
In 2010−2011, he held the position of the artistic adviser to Glasperlenspiel Festival.
His repertoire at the Estonian National Opera includes operas, such as Puccini’s La bohème, Bizet’s Carmen, Verdi’s La traviata, Prokofiev’s Love for Three Oranges, Bellini’s I Capuletti e i Montecchi, Tüür’s Wallenberg and ballets Swan Lake and The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky, Manon by MacMillan, Modigliani – the Cursed Artist by Aints etc.
In 2009, Risto Joost was elected the Conductor of the Year by Estonian Choral Society, Voces Musicales was awarded the title of the Choir of the Year and the CD Pilgrim’s Song featuring music by Arvo Pärt was elected the CD of the Year. The afore-mentioned recording gathered critical acclaim in Gramophone and BBC Music Magazine. In 2011, Risto Joost was awarded the Young Cultural Figure Award of the Estonian President, in 2012 the 2nd Prize at the 5th International Jorma Panula Conducting Competition, Vaasa, Finland, and in 2015 the 4th Prize at the Malko Competition in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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ARVO PÄRT. PILGRIM’S SONG Award: Record of the Year 2009 (Choral Music category, Estonia) Performed by: Chamber Choir Voces Musicales and Tallinn Sinfonietta ERP 2309 ![]() |
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PEETER VÄHI. MARIA MAGDALENA The Baltic Assambley Prize for the Arts 2013 Performed by: Sevara Nazarkhan, Priit Volmer, Peeter Volkonski, Riga Dome Cathedral Boys Choir, State Choir Latvija, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra ERP 5412 ![]() |
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LP: PEETER VÄHI. A CHANT OF BAMBOO Performed by: Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Slava Grigoryan, Neeme Punder, Nils Rõõmussaar, Andres Uibo. Live (listen to the concert) ERP 1006 ![]() |
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Double-CD: VERDI WAGNER 200. MOST FAMOUS OPERA CHORUSES Performed by: Estonian National Opera chorus and orchestra ERP 6813 ![]() |
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RENÉ EESPERE. DE SPE Performed by: François Soulet, Jelena Voznesenskaya, Sauli Tiilikainen, René Soom, Anu Lamp, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra ERP 1909 ![]() |
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BASSOON CONCERTOS Grammy Nominee 2017. Nominee of Estonian Music Award 2016 in the category of classical music, the best CD in the category of symphonic and stage music Performed by: Martin Kuuskmann, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Northwest Sinfonia ERP 8215 ![]() |
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LA DONNA È MOBILE Performed by: Luc Robert, Estonian National Opera Orchestra ERP 9316 ![]() |
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FRIDRICH BRUK. IN THE FINNISH MODE Poem Performed by: Tallinn Sinfonietta F&NB CD-12 ![]() |
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EESTI HELILOOJAD / ESTONIAN COMPOSERS (VI) Music by Tulev, Tally, Kõrvits, Veeroos, Lill, Kozlova ERRCD0013 |
Arvo Pärt Tabula rasa, 3 min 35 sec, mp3
Listen also live recordings with Risto Joost: oratorios, Baroque, Estonian music, contemporary music, chamber orchestras, choirs, sacred music
Press resonance
With the Te Deum /.../ going to be measured against the version on ECM /.../ which must be acknowledged as the benchmark recording. /.../ Summa, available in more versions than you can shake a baton at, is one of the best. Performance 5/5, Recording 5/5 (Barry Witherden, BBC Music Magazine, 2010, UK)
The performance under Risto Joost is admirable and evokes Vähi’s chosen sound world in brilliant technicolour. The soloists are quite a diverse group, Sevara Nazarkhan is an Uzbeki singer/songwriter, whilst Priit Volmer is an Estonia opera singer and the narrator, Peeter Volkonski is an Estonian actor, rock-musician and composer. But Joost welds them into a single entity, and he shows fine control of the large scale work (lasting just over an hour). (Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill − A World of Classical Music, 09.05.14, UK, whole article)
Under the musically astute and intelligent direction of Risto Joost, Pärt is given a new lease of live. /.../ Joost navigates a clear course between uncertain modal and uplifting major moments, giving shape of its aura of endlessness. (Pwyll ap Siôn, Gramophone, 12 / 2010, UK)
Vähi and his very skilful conductor, Risto Joost, have chosen the voice types of their soloist characters very carefully. /.../ Special congratulations go to Risto Joost, whose baton maintained a crisp ensemble from such a large set of musicians, shaping the performance of this complex work with great insight. (John Miller,, 15.12.12, Australia, whole article)
... Joost and his choir bring out all those qualities in a stunning performance. /.../ This 2009 disc from ERP features the chamber choir Voces Musicales and the Tallinn Sinfonietta (now known as the Glasperlenspiel Sinfonietta)... This is a very finely performed disc and I am extremely glad to have made its acquaintance. Risto Joost and Voces Musicales deliver some very fine singing indeed, combining superb control with expressivity and making Pärt’s music really count, and they are finely supported by the Tallinn Sinfonietta. (Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill − A World of Classical Music, 15.02.14, UK, whole article)
Risto Joost is a young man dividing himself between singing and conducting. For him it does not seem to be a problem to float with elegant ease from the one shore of the purity of Gregorian chant to the other of the extreme complexity of sounds in the contemporary music. (Mirjam Tally, Eesti Ekspress, Estonia)
Risto Joost’s feeling of Bach’s music is very precise and free of sentiment. No juggling or playing around with emotions. And strange as it might seem, this creates (possibly also in the players?) a special feeling of liberation, giving each and every one a chance to fill the music with one’s personal inner richness. (Postimees, 11.01.07, Estonia)
In Estland wird so etwas auf Weltniveau kultiviert... Die Musik blüht auf zu spirituellen Höhen... Chorleiter Risto Joost präsentiert sich als einer der Großen seines Fachs. Wertung: ***** (12.06.10, Achener Zeitung, Germany, whole article)
Joost führt Chor und Orchester ausdrucksstark und verknüpft mühelos die Anklänge an alte mit zeitgenössischer Musik. (Die Tonkunst, 10 / 2010, Germany)
Der preisgekrönte Kammerchor Voces Musicales und die Tallinn Sinfonietta musizieren unter der Leitung von Risto Joost in einer derart kundigen wie intensiven Art, dass man denken möchte, die nationale Herkunftz sei von Vorteil oder gar unabdingbar für ein überzeugendes Ergebnis. (neue chorzeit, 2 / 2011, Germany)
... echter Theaterdirigent, was er mit Richard Wagners Tannhäuser-Ouvertüre unter Beweis stellte und das zu Beginn des Konzerts noch skeptische Publikum entschieden und auf der Stelle für sich zu gewinnen vermochte. Das CCS bebte nach diesem Auftakt, der in seiner musikalischen Geschlossenheit und Dramatik seinesgleichen suchte. Joost leitete energisch und kraftvoll und mit der Bescheidenheit des sicheren Handwerkers... (Julia Lucas, inSüdthüringen, 26.08.13, Germany, whole article)
... Joost dirigierte obgleich ohne Taktstock mit unglaublicher Präzision. Den Körper von Kopf bis Fuß gespannt, mit atmenden Bewegungen und Magie stiftete er das Orchester zu schönen weichen, ausgesprochen präzisen Einsätzen und aufblühender Klangentwicklung an. Sein positiver Ausdruck übertrug sich auf die Musiker. (mla, Eckernförder Zeitung, 12.08.13, Germany, whole article)
... kapellimestari Risto Joost johti teosken suurin ja ekspressiivisin, toisaalta tarkoin elein, joihin orkesteri vastasi hyvin auliisti, ja tuloksena oli värikylläistä ja mukaansatempaavaa soitantaa. /.../ Risto Joost johti musiikkia suuria linjoja maalaillen ja sai soittajiston innostettua mukaansa romanttiseen sointihurmioon, joka varsinkin sinfonian Adagio-osassa kasvoi huikaiseviin korkeuksiin. (Petteri Pitko, Keskipohjanmaa, 02.03.10, Finland, whole article)
Dat applaus was voor een groot deel ook voor de jonge Estische dirigent Risto Joosten die het koor liedde. Zijn duidelijke directie en zijn aandacht voor groote muzikale spanningsbogen zorgten voor sublieme koorzang. Daarnaast wist hij tot in de kleinste details het koor tot een eenheld te smeden. (Gerben Bergstra, Friesch Dagblad, 07.10.10, the Netherlands)
Koori juhatas Risto Joost, ma väga hindan teda. Ta on professionaalne noor inimene, kes tahab asju hästi teha. (Neeme Järvi, Eesti Päevaleht, 30.06.09, Estonia)
... dirigeeris Risto Joost. Avateos “Also sprach Nietzsche” (“Nõnda kõneles Nietzsche”) veenis oma ürgjõulisusega. ... “Ülim vaikus” mõjutas kuulajaid oma sugestiivsuse ja kõlakontrastidega. Imetlusväärne oli kellade ansambli täpne töö... Dirigent pani tavapärase käteliigutusega vaikuse “käima” ning publik ja esinejad suutsid ideaalilähedast vaikust säilitada umbes viis minutit. Kulminatsiooniks kujunes teose IV osa... Siin segunesid palved /.../ kõiksuse tunnetusega. (Alo Põldmäe, Sirp, 31.07.09, Estonia, whole article)
... Mozarti tuntumaid flöödikontserte D-duur KV 314. Soleeris prantslasest flöödikunstnik, Dresdeni muusikakõrgkooli professor Stéphane Réty... – ka kõige kiiremad noodid olid selgelt ja puhtalt välja mängitud. /.../ Eriti hea oli kuulata kontserdi viimast, rondo-osa, kus orkester ja dirigent ei jäänud solistile virtuoossuse ja temperamendi poolest sugugi alla. (Mart Jaanson, Sirp, 05.08.11, Estonia, whole article)
... kunagi varem ei ole üks dirigent või koor saanud kolme preemiat korraga. Aasta dirigendiks 2009 valiti Risto Joost, aasta kooriks tema kammerkoor Voces Musicales ning aasta kooriplaadiks nende möödunud sügisel valminud CD “Pilgrim’s Song” Arvo Pärdi muusikaga /.../ vahendas ERR Uudised. (Postimees, 24.01.10, Estonia, whole article)
Dirigent teab oma määratus musikaalsuses ja intelligentsuses, mida ta tahab, ja saab selle oma tohutu sisendusjõuga muusikutelt ka kätte. Kõikide teoste esituses on tunda suurt keskendumist, äärmiselt pühendunud sisseelamist. (Kersti Inno, Muusika, 1 / 2010, Estonia)
Risto Joosti muusikalise kujunduse joonis on äärmiselt temperamentne. Ägeda rütmikuse taotlemine jätav võibolla dünaamika kujundamise kohati tagaplaanile... Meeliköitev on Joosti fraasikujundus “Nürnbergi meisterlauljates”. (Tiiu Levald, Muusika, 1 / 2014, Estonia, whole article)
... Pärdi “Te Deum”. Tegemist oli suure õnnestumisega: Risto Joost kujundas väga hea terviku... Kuid kõige märkimisväärsemaks kujunes selle ettekande eriline vaimsus ja sügavus. Vahel võrreldakse /.../ Voces Musicalest ja Filharmoonia Kammerkoori... mulle meeldis Vocese esitus rohkem. Ei tea, kas see tuleb sellest, et ühtedele on see töö, aga teised musitseerivad oma vabast ajast ja tahtest... (Maarja Kindel, Muusika, 11 / 2009, Estonia)
Allan Vurma hindab teda lauljana: “Risto Joosti iseloomustab suur musikaalsus, tema esitatud karakterid on värvikad ja kaasakiskuvad ning samas muusikaliselt täpsed. Lauldava teksti fraseerimine kannab hästi edasi mõtet.” Esinemisi, enda proovilepanekut on nii noore muusiku kohta tõepoolest kuhjaga. (Priit Kuusk, Sirp, 04.12.09, Estonia)
Risto Joost on vormiliselt küll koori juurest lahkunud, aga juhatab endiselt selle suurprojekte. Tema muusikaline töö ühendab praegu noore dirigendi energia juba kogenud professionaali detailitäpsuse ja tervikutajuga. Joosti tuntus ja usaldatavus põhjapoolses Euroopas toob siia väga põnevaid soliste ja „Maarja vesper" on nende valiku suhtes eriti nõudlik... (Toomas Siitan, Sirp, 20.01.12, Estonia, whole article)
Download: Risto Joost (photo by K Kikkas / Eesti Foto, jpg, 300 dpi, 1570 KB)
See also: concert schedule (2008–2012) of Risto Joost
Exclusively managed by ERP from Sep 1st, 2008 until Dec 31st, 2011
Since 2014 represented by Konzertdirektion Hörtnagel Berlin (Osloer Str 124, D-13359 Berlin, Germany, phone +49 30 3088770, fax +49 30 30887733)
See also other musicians represented by ERP