Records available
CD canto:). Hortus Musicus
DVD In the Mystical Land of Kaydara. Peeter Vähi
DVD Coppélia. A ballet by Léo Delibes
CD-series Great Maestros. Beethoven, Brahms. Kalle Randalu, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Neeme Järvi
CD Quarter of a Century with Friends. Arsis, Rémi Boucher, Oliver Kuusik, Rauno Elp
Super Audio CD Maria Magdalena. Sevara Nazarkhan, Riga Dom Cathedral Boys Choir, State Choir Latvija, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
LP Contra aut pro? Toomas Velmet, Neeme Järvi, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Pärt
An Estonian Baroque ensemble
Baroque ensemble Floridante was founded in Tallinn in early 2014 and has quickly gained a prominent position in the Estonian early and classical music scene. “Sunshine in the Estonian Baroque sky” and “Masters of the early music” has declared Estonian major culture newspaper Sirp in the first concert reviews regarding Floridante.
Initiated by Baroque violinist Meelis Orgse and harpsichordist Saale Fischer, Floridante is a flexible compilation of six or more instrumentalists, including Ele Raik (baroque oboe), Kristo Käo (theorbo / baroque guitar), Mari-Liis Vihermäe (traverso) and Tõnu Jõesaar (baroque cello / viola da gamba) as the core members of the ensemble. Several concert programs include soprano Maria Valdmaa, 2014 London Händel competition 2nd prize and audience award winner.
Floridante’s musicians have graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and furthered their studies in historical performance practice at the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki (FI), music universities of Trossingen, Bremen and Freiburg (DE), Conservatoire Supérior de Paris (FR), Koninklijk Conservatorium den Haag (NL), and in numerous master classes.
Though named after Händel’s opera, Floridante’s repertoire outreaches the German high Baroque, including music from the late 16th century Italy to the galant style of the 18th century. For 2015, ensemble Floridante & Maria Valdmaa have been selected to celebrate the year of Bach & Händel in the most prestigious concert halls in Estonia, Estonia Concert Hall, Vanemuine Concert Hall as well as the Haapsalu Early Music Festival.
Download photo of Floridante (jpg, 300 dpi, 6.8 MB)Giovanni Paolo Cima. Sonata a 2, live, mp3, 3 min 25 sec, 320 Kbps
Giovanni Paolo Cima. Sonata in g, live, mp3, 3 min 56 sec, 320 Kbps
Floridante playlist 2015/2016 on Soundcloud
Live from Tallinn Music Week / Glasperlenspiel Festival 2015. Bertali, Monteverdi, Ortiz.
Press resonance
Sunshine in the Estonian Baroque sky. /.../ Händel Trio Sonata in B major HWV 388 turned out to be the highlight of that evening. The energy that Floridante released into the concert hall created a feeling of blessed lightness and freedom in the audience... (Marju Riisikamp, Sirp, 06.02.14, Estonia, whole article)
The title of the concert announced that this programme was about works created before the year of 1789. A number that indicates to the outbreak of the Great French Revolution, to the time of liberté, égalité, fraternité. These three adjectives can well be applied to the setting as well as the performance of ensemble Floridante on that afternoon. Herewith the names of each member of Floridante need to be mentioned as every one of them approached the subject with astery... (Toomas Velmet, Sirp, 28.08.14, Estonia, whole article)
Kõige eredama elamuse sain /.../ Floridante koostööst kontratenor Ivo Postiga. Ansambel on tegutsenud vaevalt aasta, aga kuna ansambli koosluses mängivad põhjaliku vanamuusikahariduse saanud ja juba kogenud, mitmeski muusikalises ühenduses tuntud muusikud, kelle esteetilised vaated ning arusaam süvenemisest tundub kokku langevat, on tulemus äärmiselt mänguline ja nauditav. /.../ Tundub, et Floridante suudab kuulajates tekitada kripelduse, et ühine hetk jäi liialt üürikeseks. (Mirje Mändla, Sirp, 10.04.15, Estonia, whole article)
Lummas Saale Fischeri mediteeriva olemusega musitseerimine Bachi IV partiitas D-duur, mis nii hästi seostus järgneva aariaga Händeli ooperist “Semele”... Kuulama pani kooslus viiul, teorb, tšello ja orel Bachi kantaadis BWV 36 just viiuli poolt välja pakutud strihhide ja teorbi sügava kõlapõhjaga, mis koos lauljaga lõid kauni sumedakõlalise rahu. On suur õnn, et siia kooslusse on kaasatud barokkoboe ning sellel musitseeriv Ele Raik. (Tiiu Levald, Sirp, 18.12.15, Estonia, whole article)
Programme examples
Bach & Händel Gala − famous arias and sonatas
Soprano / Violin / Oboe / Cello / Harpsichord / Theorbo
Duration 2 × 45min or 1h
alla Romana − music from the springs of Baroque, works by Castaldi, Frescobaldi, Cima, Fontana, Castello, Ortiz, Storace, Kapsberger
Violin / Viola da Gamba / Theorbo / Harpsichord
Duration 1h
Best before 1789 − Händel, Boismortier, Monteclair, C P E Bach
Oboe / Violin / Cello / Harpsichord
Duration 1h
Download additional material of Floridante (pdf, 1.9 MB)
Booking worldwide: ERP (Estonia Avenue 4, 10148 Tallinn, Estonia, fax +372 6484571, e-mail
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